So, eight years ago our little boy was born. He was due in February, but he just couldn't wait. At the time, we'd decided the best way to keep everyone in the loop was to start a blog. (but we didn't call it that, the term "blog" wasn't really mainstream yet.)
Here's the first entry . . .
10/30/01 (930 grams or 2 lbs. 0.8 oz.)
I made my grand entrance today at 1:14 p.m.. Dad saw my first pee, which I did just for him. Dad also caught me on video tape when mom saw me for the first time, (they rolled her right from recovery to the newborn intensive care unit where I was waiting to meet her). Mom couldn't believe how tiny I was and immediately asked if it was okay to touch me. My Apgar scores were 7 at one minute and an 8 at five minutes! (my "health" scores, out of a possible 10) I thought I should come out and impress everyone right away. Lots of family were at the hospital to welcome me including; Charlynn (Mom & Dad's neighbor and friend), Grandma Pollock, Grandpa Wells, Grandma Lay, Grandpa Wagner, Aunt Kelley, Aunt Stacie, and Aunt Marianne. Tonight, Mom and Dad's good friends, Charlynn, Kellen, Baby Samantha (she is due to arrive on January 3), Mom, and Dad all came to peek in on me. Of course they oooh'd and aahh'd over how cute and fuzzy I am. (I'm still covered in "Lanugo Hair," the hair that covers all baby's in the womb.)