This morning Stone came into my office and asked "Mommy, what are we saving our money for right now?" I told him that we are going to Disneyland later this year and that we are saving our money for that trip. He got thoughtful for a minute and then left the room. He came back with his piggy bank and said "You can have all the money in my piggy bank.":) He is constantly surprising us with his thoughtfulness.
Stone is also obsessed with watching the news. It is his TV program of choice...he even has a preference of which newscast he likes to watch. At first we had a hard time letting him watch the news...it is always so somber and sad and we weren't sure we wanted him exposed to so much "real life." But we decided that it is okay as long as we watch with him and can discuss it afterwards. Needless to say we've had some really funny and interesting conversations. Its amazing how much "he gets it."
The other day when I was driving Stone to school he said "Mommy, there is a horrible crisis in the world today." Of course, I was intrigued and asked him to explain. He went on to tell me about the high price of gas and how it is hard for the farmers to farm their land because they can't afford gas. He said that he would try to eat more fruits and vegetables to help the farmers. I got such a kick out of his little sense of responsibility to the world! I can't say that we've been consuming more fruits and veggies at our house, but afterall, isn't it the thought that counts???? :)