Anyway, this year we were cursed...or the people we took pictures of were cursed. We had some funny mishaps (let me qualify that as funny AFTER THE FACT)!
In our quest for a second location to take their family picture, we got our friends the Brondum's stuck in the sand. Of course, their picture turned out so cute that they couldn't possibly be mad at us. GET OVER IT ERIK! (ha ha).
Then on the way to the location where we were doing our friends the Johnson's picture, they hit a huge pothole and got a flat...not just any old flat...the $300 kind of flat. We were in such a hurry because the lighting was PERFECT! Rick is such a great photographer...its fun to see him in action. One day I will perfect my VERY IMPORTANT "photagrapher's side kick" duties:)
Here are just a few more of the pics that Rick has done.