Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tingle & Jingle...

We borrowed a fun Christmas tradition from our friends, the Johnson's. This is our 3rd year having "Tingle and Jingle" our family Christmas Elves visit. They come during the night sometime during the Christmas season and leave a little note for Stone to give him a "status report" on how he's doing on the "naughty & nice lists". They also leave him a little Christmas present.

Stone has been so excited for "Tingle and Jingle" to visit that he hasn't been sleeping through the night. He will come in to our room at 3 am to let us know that "Tingle and Jingle" didn't visit yet, but that he would try to go back to sleep to see if they would come:) Finally, "Tingle and Jingle" visited this week! They left Stone a cool marble toy and a note that went something like this...

"We’ve been watching and waiting for the right time to come and visit you. We were so excited that you didn’t have to pull a card in Mrs. Larsen’s class yesterday that we thought it was the perfect time to visit."

"Keep up the good work Stone. Nothing makes Santa more happy than when you are listening to your parents and are doing well in school. Santa is so very proud of the way you’ve been working on your spelling words and doing so well on your tests."

"Santa said to remind you to send him your list soon…he is busy packing up his sleigh for Christmas. Also, keep working hard in school! Work on your handwriting, and especially work on paying attention so you don’t have to pull cards. Good work Stone! Merry Christmas!"

I know what your thinking...we've added to the "Santa" threat and you would be right! Stone not only aced his spelling test this week, but he didn't have to pull one card! Thanks "Tingle and Jingle!"


Anthony and Christel said...

What a great idea!! We might just have to steal the idea as well! Way to go Stone, sounds like you are working very hard!

Natalee said...

Oh I LOVE it! I am sooooo doing this for my kids! What an awesome idea! Consider it STOLEN!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Amy,

Have I ever told you what a special "Mom" you are to our precious Stone. I am so proud of you (I brag about you every day to my friends at work and have to show them your latest blog). I am so lucky to have you as a daughter-in-law. You take such good care of those wonderful "men" of ours.

Love you


Tracy said...

I love this idea! I'm having fun reading about Stone...what would we do without our boys?