Well today we hit a major life milestone...no really, this is MAJOR! Stone's first spelling test:) I don't quite know why we were so excited and geeked out about it, but it felt like a really big deal to us. It wasn't so much the grade he got...although that was AWESOME and we are so proud of him, it was more the fact that he had his first spelling test. It is like a right of passage.
We practiced his words every day and he worked so hard on memorizing them. We of course celebrated like crazy when he came home with his 100% (you know...Capri Suns and Goldfish all around).
We are so sentimental about every little thing with Stone. I don't know if it is because he is an only child and we know we won't ever have another child, or if it is because of the scare we had when he was born and all of the dire predictions that come along with being a preemie, or maybe all parents are like this with their children.
It will be a sad day when Stone goes out in the real world one day and realizes that it doesn't actually revolve around him:) But for now, it does and we will relish in all the small things that make this life great! Way to go Stoney Baloney!
(...and just in case you can't read a six year old's hand writing...Rick contends he has the hand writing of a doctor lol...his spelling words were "to, of, and, the, a, wins, fits, sits, naps, and hits).
Way to go Stone!! That is so awesome! Love his nickname by the way!
YEA! That is awesome! What a smartie pants He is getting so big!
Of course I could read those words, what a smart boy you are Stone! We are so proud of you!
Love, Grandma Pollock
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